With Investinhmos.co.uk, you can expand your portfolio by investing in a student HMO. There are over 160 universities in the United Kingdom with more than 2.6 million students, most of whom wish to live communally. As a result, there is an enormous pool of properties to be developed as HMOs or already tenanted in this group-living way.

By working with us, you can access a wealth of available student HMOs for sale. This allows you to either expand your current property portfolio or get on the property ladder with a ready-made investment HMO.

We have information on HMO student property for sale all over the UK, in cities like London, Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham. Find out why you should invest in a student HMO below.

Why invest in a student HMO?

There is a huge market for student HMOs for sale due to the sheer number of students in the UK. As students come and go, universities always remain in place. There is a consistent flow of students every year, so there is always a market for HMO properties. Therefore, there is plenty of opportunity for yield.

The attraction of student HMOs is largely due to their high cash flow capabilities.  Student HMOs are let by the room rather than as a whole property, this means that they offer higher yields to an investor. There is often the possibility to host all occupants under one AST – Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement. Which can make tenant management easier.

High-Yielding Properties

HMOs offer income far in excess of single Buy To Let properties. Average gross yields on HMOs sold by us are around 12%.

We Act for You, The Buyer!

Once you’re committed there is NO gazumping. This provides you with the peace of mind to progress through all of the legal steps stress-free!

Income from Day One

The majority of the HMOs we sell are sold as ‘going concerns’. This means they’re almost always tenanted, so as soon as you complete your purchase you will start receiving an income on the property.

We are Brokers, Not Agents

Our experienced Sales Brokers are HMO professionals and are on hand to answer any questions you may have. They’re trained to match your investment requirements with an appropriate property.

HMO Experts

We specialise in HMOs. Our team consists of valuers, photographers, administrators, sales brokers, sales progressors and everything in between.

Full Financial Data

We provide up to two years of historic occupancy information for every property we sell, plus a current tenancy schedule and income and expenditure data. This means you’re fully informed on the business of the asset that you are purchasing.

Looking to invest in a student HMO property?

Contact our team today to find an investment opportunity