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We strive to provide a professional, ethical, brokerage service. Our dedicated team have years of specialist knowledge in presenting, negotiating and progressing hundreds of HMO sales transactions. All types of HMO’s in all locations around England and Wales. Here is what to expect when you sell your HMO with us.

We present our properties in such a way that we pre-empt the questions and information requests that we know we are going to receive. Having this set up before we start marketing saves sellers, buyers and our team lots of time going back and forth to fill in the gaps. Interested parties receive everything they need from the outset, check out an example here.

Getting Started

Your first point of contact when selling will be Bryony who will gather all of the info we need in order to do an initial desktop evaluation of your property. This involves a fact find, market appraisal reports, comparable data searches etc in order to facilitate my initial valuation proposal. 

Our Director, Richard, personally handles each and every valuation. Our aim is to pitch the property in order to maximise the achievable value for the seller in the present market. This isn’t an exact science and we can’t always agree that a vendors aspirations are achievable, we honestly decline more properties than we list. We then inspect each property in order to confirm the proposed valuation, understand the nuances of the house and get a better feel for how to present the opportunity. 

If the vendor is agreeable with our proposal, we hand over to Elly who is responsible for our contracts and compliance process. This involves AML and Land Registry checks, compiling sellers ID’s and having everything signed and sealed ensuring our sole selling rights to act as broker. 

We then have a collaborative approach to onboarding comprehensive information for the marketing pack. Once again Bryony and Elly take responsibility for ensuring all certificates, financial information, floor plans and photos are presented in the best possible light to showcase each properties unique selling points. 

Let’s Find the Right Investor

Once approved the properties are assigned to one of our dedicated brokers, April and Ryan. Their first point of action will be to contact the seller to introduce themselves and discuss the marketing plan in more detail. They will then match out each property to our database of in excess of 7,000 active HMO investors. 

The whole team liaise with our Marketing Manager, Jack, who manages the website, social media accounts, email marketing, blog content and so much more. We have access to whole of market, depending on the individual property, the marketing plan that we propose and the vendors preferences we use a variety of platforms in order to get each property in front of the correct target audience. 

We fully understand the delicate nature of HMO tenancies. Many tenants work shifts and in a property where 4,5,6 or more unrelated people are going about their lives it can be very difficult and intrusive to arrange access. However, you certainly aren’t going to put hundreds of thousands of pounds of your hard earned money into a property without seeing it!

There is a fine balance to strike and we aim to minimise the disruption to the house as much as possible. In the first instance, by providing as much up to date information as possible and then we qualify every prospective buyer in order to understand their intentions for the purchase and ascertain their capacity to transact. 

The Finishing Touches 

Once negotiations are complete and the sale is agreed, the work begins! Our sales progression team headed up by Director Fern, and ably assisted by Vickie and Elly. Together, they have over the past 12 months alone encountered practically every imaginable issue when it comes to the conveyancing process. This experience is vital and is often the difference between a successful completion and a deal falling over. 

Specialists for a Reason 

Having people who specialise at every stage of the process is a fundamental aspect of our success in making investinhmos.co.uk the premier HMO sales agent in the country. Whether you are looking for your next investment property or considering your exit options, our team are on hand to provide you with expert advice, support and a professional service to oversee your HMO transaction. 

Thinking of selling your HMO? Get in touch for a FREE valuation!