We have a tried and trusted processes to help sell your HMO property to the right investors. We recognise that the sale of HMOs cannot be treated in the same way as a ‘vanilla’ residential property. That’s why we benefit from a specialist approach to marketing HMO properties. Selling an HMO involves navigating a variety of factors, including the market conditions, lender requirements, potential valuations, and of course tenant peace of mind.

In volatile economic times, down-valuations from lenders can happen. There are many factors which affect an HMO valuation, and here at Invesinhmos.co.uk we are aware of them all. Therefore, we are able to work alongside lenders and investors to ensure the right valuation figure is finally achieved.

Why sell your HMO property with us

Here are a couple of reasons as why we are the market leaders for selling HMOs and investment properties in the UK.

Yield Valuation

You may be wondering what steps there are to sell an HMO? One of the main steps is valuation. We value your HMO property as a business asset – not a bricks and mortar property. Yield valuations are often in excess of bricks and mortar value, meaning that vendors are achieving maximum value for the sale of their HMO.

Tenant Friendly

Our Buying Clients are 99% Investors. Therefore, people wishing to purchase the property want to benefit from its income, continuing to run it as an HMO. This means that your tenants are safe in the knowledge that their home will remain theirs upon the completion of your sale.

HMO Experts

We know how to sell an HMO. Our team of experts specialise in the sale of HMO properties including, valuers, photographers, administrators, sales brokers, sales progressors and everything in between. That makes us the go-to team for HMO Sales.

HMO Brokers, Not Agents

‘The first buyer is not always best buyer’. Because we have such an extensive history in selling HMOs, we know how to connect the right buyer to the right HMO.

Quality Control

Unlike many estate agents and HMO selling agents, we visit every single property that we list. That is because photos and words can be misleading and it is critical to make a physical assessment of an HMO to understand its potential value to an investor. We have the strongest due diligence procedures in the UK with regards to vetting HMOs.

Global Exposure

There is strong desire to invest in UK property from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. That's why we market your HMO to a variety of potential audiences, both within the UK and further afield. With clients who are not located in the UK, there is often more due diligence work to be conducted which is why it is critical to have a team who know these processes.

Who buys our properties

We are experts in marrying up sellers and investors thanks to our established networks. We have a wide range of clientele thanks to years of growing our reputation and building relationships with prospective buyers.

Registered Private Investors

Our team has spent years growing an extensive and detailed database relating to existing and prospective investors. We are actively in touch with many of these prospects on a daily basis, because their needs change, meaning we might need to pivot accordingly. We know we have the strongest prospect database in the HMO space. Many of our investors have proof of funds logged, and are simply waiting for their next investment opportunity.

On Market Buyers

A lot of our investment stock is not ‘marketed’ in the traditional sense of the word. For some investment properties, however, full marketing is the best approach to get the best price from the most secure buyers. We therefore have the ability to market and reach the same audience as traditional agents via RightMove, Zoopla, OTM, Estates Gazette and more.

Overseas Investors

Our team markets directly to Hong Kong & Chinese investors. Our ever-growing network of overseas clients provides a fantastic buying option for your HMO. Each day new clients register their interest in our HMO investment opportunities.

HNW & Funds

We make an immense effort to retain some very exciting high net worth (HNW) and fund clients for our larger assets, land and portfolio. Properties that suit this buyer type will be personally showcased to the client by one of our specialist HMO brokers.

Looking to sell your investment property?

Contact us today for a FREE valuation.